my wiken was marvellous..wah gitu,.!
I had a lovely girls day out with very special friend & some friends - fiza,jaja,min & ezan
we went to Sunway Pyramid-jalan2 cuci mata.,&having too much food..wahhh
love2 sent me at 11.30am & picked me up at 8.30pm..haha cian die..sib baik die pegi main bola ptg tu..
We had our lunch at Waffle World..the 3 girls eat waffle,ok la kan..but i eat fried spaggeti mamak style? ..pegi mkn mee mamak kat waffle world?? sungguh pelik kan but it was Yummy~
ok..after penat berjalan2 , we had our tea time pulak - tako tao+ mineral water ..hehe (again..,tea time minum mineral water..:p) & we cit cat until 530.,after Asar we had our dinner plak at MR teppanyaki depan ice ring & there was a wedding on ice at 8pm..seronok owg tu kawen atas ice..,ade owg2 ber skating dpan die..
Lpas tue..BALIK!! saya tapau 2 cinnabon-chocobon&classic bon for love2..CEDAPP~
That's all.
I love these outings :">
waaah me too :D i love the outing :P
bile mau kuar bsama saya plak..ahahaha
wahh..beluberi yg muncul sebulan skali.meh la ajak i kuar.,i mesti kuar..haha
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